Journey to the Heart of the Sound
with Tito la Rosa
PRIVATE sound healing sessions
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Group Healing Sessions
FLOWER Ceremony
La Challah de Flores
A healing ceremony with flowers that has been lovingly handed down from the Q’ero Nation of Peru, Tito La Rosa gives to us the legacy of the Flower Ceremony. Steeped in the tradition of Munay (to be in the service of unconditional love) and invoking the Pachamama (Mother Earth), Tito transforms the music from his ancient instruments into a healing medium.
This healing ceremony can last between 4-5 hours . Tito enters into the plane of no time, where the power of love and healing also know no limits. If you have something to let go of, something to mend, a prayer to send out, or something to celebrate, this is a time to seed your own healing and transformation. The ceremony is unlike anything you have ever experienced. (Limited to 16 people).
The Mystery of SounD
SHamanic RItual COncert
Concierto Shamanico
Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper.