Speaking Engagements, Interviews, Videos, and Presentations

Michelle Treseler is an inspiring and engaging speaker who has given presentations at universities, delivered speeches to legislative bodies, and presented at conferences.

Lyme Advocacy Roadmap for Success

Date/Time: October 28th, 5:30pm EST
Title: Project Lyme Advocacy Q&A: learn how to get involved at the federal, state, and individual level.
More Details: View PDF of presentation.

Michelle Treseler co-founded the Massachusetts Lyme Coalition and authored the final version of the Lyme patient protection bill (now law) that protects over 80,000 residents each year in Massachusetts and serves as a model for other state laws. In this presentation, she shares a Lyme advocacy roadmap for success. She also imparts how to create sustainable grassroots movements, write legislation, effectively advocate for health policy and create inclusive social media campaigns to empower citizens with disabilities to communicate directly with their policymakers.

Nourishing Ourselves: Tending to our Lungs and Immune System while Deepening our Capacity for Self-Care and Compassion

Woman Motivational Quote Facebook Post.png

October 2, 2021
Conference: Mindfulness and Mindful Movement for Educators, Health Professionals, and First-Responders at Niagara University
Register here: https://apps.niagara.edu/mindfulness/

In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn Qigong practices to strengthen your lungs and immune system. Drawing upon the five element theory of TCM, I will guide you through transformative wisdom practices where you will learn how to work with the body and emotions in wise ways to expand the capacity of the energy reservoir within you and enrich your overall flow. Join us for a restorative hour of sound healing, movement, and guided meditation to foster mindfulness, compassion, self-care, and equanimity.

Transforming in Turbulent Times: From Surviving to Thriving with Qigong


September 26-27, 2020
Conference: Mindfulness and Mindful Movement for Educators, Health Professionals, and First-Responders at Niagara University
More Details: View Conference Handout

Qigong can help sustain us during turbulent times – leading to increased energy, enhanced well-being and a greater capacity for courage.  In this session, I offer tangible tools that can help us skillfully shift from surviving to thriving, including: how to create moments of mindfulness throughout the day and how to quickly restore balance or a sense of calm to the body and mind with mindful Qigong movement.  I also teach a set of Qigong healing sounds that assists in transforming fear to courage, and anxiety to cautiousness.  Learn practices to shift from “fight or flight” to flow.

Wise Words in a Time of Change That will Improve Your Life [1:01:02]

Date: July 1, 2020
Conscious Media Movement
Interviewed by: Sylvia Binsfeld

This is a time of great change. 9 influential speakers of various spiritual backgrounds share incredible insights, showing us how to use this time to make changes of our own that will greatly improve the quality of our personal lives, as well as that of the planet.

Michelle discusses why the path of spiritual awareness is so important right now and offers a few tangible Qigong practices that you can apply today:

Yi Dao, Qi Dao: where your mind goes, energy flows.
✨Intention and Attention.
✨Inner Garden: what you nourish, flourishes.
✨Moments of Mindfulness: one conscious breath to reset.

✨How Qigong sound healing can transform states of fear to courage, grief to compassion, worry to thoughtfulness, etc. To listen to the video, please click on the link below.

Speaking Topics

Chronic Wellness: From Surviving to Thriving
Michelle is a strong advocate for people affected by chronic illness. Whether you are directly or indirectly affected by chronic illness, Michelle will often share tangible, practical tools from various healing modalities to transform your life. Recognizing that it’s not always a linear process, she shares coping strategies for every stage and meets participants where they’re at, offering practices to help make the shift from chronic illness to wellness. Experiential learning is not always pleasant, yet it leads to an embodied perspective that is beyond intellectual knowing. Michelle has walked her talk, and continues to do so. She honors each individual’s experience and strives to inspire strength, courage and perseverance.

Successful Advocacy | Creating Health Policy | Sustainable Grassroots Organizing
Michelle is an experienced health policy consultant, successful grassroots organizer and inspiring speaker on how to create sustainable grassroots movements, write legislation, and effectively advocate for health policy. As a co-founder of the Massachusetts Lyme Coalition and as the author of the rewritten Lyme patient protection law, Michelle’s efforts have resulted in the protection of over 80,000 people each year in Massachusetts and the law serves as a model for other state laws – beneficially impacting people by prioritizing lives over profit. She greatly enjoys helping people who face the impossible to see and create the possible. Additionally, she likes to speak on how to create unique, inclusive campaigns to engage and empower citizens with disabilites to communicate directly with their policymakers.

Michelle has embodied the practices of Qigong to transform her life. Having studied and practiced Qigong for over a decade, Michelle has taught Qigong for the past seven years and enjoys speaking about the benefits of a sustained Qigong practice. Michelle selects a few practices that can be incorporated anytime and anywhere to enhance clarity for more effective decision-making, quickly bring balance or a sense of calm to the body and mind, and boost overall well-being.

She also enjoys speaking about Science and Spirituality: Bridging the Gap, Women’s Health, the Determinants of Health, Spiritual Ecology, Lyme disease, and Climate Change and Health.


More Coming Soon!