
Qi Poetry: Nature's Symmetry

Qi Poetry: Nature's Symmetry

Qigong is connecting to essence.

It's a form of deep listening, not to content but to the essence of the universe: love. We access this by centering, which is a form of letting go in the dimensions of the mind and knowing... of being fully present in your body through sound, breath, movement and visualization.

When you're fully connected, embodied and present: you open. As the practice deepens, any feeling of separateness drops away and one may have a somatic understanding, a felt interconnectedness amongst all things. Here's to openings and continued discovery of our interrelatedness.

These Qi poems are offerings meant as a gateway to revel and delight as well as arrive more deeply home. (In)joy!

Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation and its Positive Impact on Health & Well-being

Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation and its Positive Impact on Health & Well-being

Loving-Kindness or Metta Meditation is a practice derived from the Buddhist tradition of sending loving-kindness to yourself and others that has many proven health benefits. It is the first of the four brahmavihara, or “divine abodes,” the four qualities of the open heart, as it is the expression of a basic warmth, good will and kindness. Although the intention of this exercise is to foster an enhanced sense of embodied kindness and compassion, it has a surprising amount of other physical, emotional, and social health benefits. You can practice it in just 5-10 minutes. Read more about the positive health benefits and how to practice…