Qigong is the practice of cultivating vital energy by accessing, utilizing and managing chi through movement, sound, visualization, self-massage, intention, and breath. Qigong empowers the individual to take responsibility for protecting and improving their overall health and well-being, while offering tools to improve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Qigong, our bodies are not separate from nature, they are a part of nature. As such, it is thought that our bodies and emotions are inextricably interconnected with and may be affected by: seasons, weather and elements. Qigong draws from the 5 element theory in TCM which is a blueprint that diagrams the intricacies of how elements (both internal and external) interact with and impact each other. The winter season is associated with the kidney energy system. According to TCM, it is beneficial to strengthen our kidneys at this time, as by doing so, one can achieve better health and prevent disease.
We can apply knowledge from TCM and select specific practices from Qigong to empower ourselves to experience beneficial health effects. I find the winter season to be an especially important time to practice Qigong to conserve energy and nourish the body, mind and spirit.
Kidney Energy System
Season: Winter
Element: Water
Colors: Blue and Black
Emotions: (+) Cautious, Alert, Determined, Mindful (-) Excessive Fear, Rigidity
Kidney energy practices are beneficial for vitality and help address the following areas and conditions:
Skeletal system (e.g., bones, teeth)
Reproductive system
Idiopathic chronic ailments
Ligaments and tendons
Adrenal glands
Ear ringing and some forms of hearing loss
Premature hair loss
Bone marrow conditions
Brain conditions
Emotions related to fear
Short-term memory
Low back pain
As winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere, my gift to you is to share some of my favorite Qigong practices to conserve, nourish and transform kidney energy, such as:
Rubbing the Kidneys
Hip Rotations
Massaging Kidney 1 point
Kidney sound healing, etc.
Are you ready to practice Qigong self-care?
Each week, I will post a LiveLoveChi Challenge on Facebook that will conserve, nourish, strengthen, or transform energy. Are you ready to incorporate a bit of self-care this winter? Join the Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/livelovechi1
Also, given the transformative times we are experiencing, I am gifting you a free 45 minute Qigong session on kidneys. Sign up on the email list (at the bottom of this page) between now and January 15th to receive your free gift!
Join ME in nourishing and strengthening our kidney energy system together!
With love, light and chi,