Why practice Qigong?

 Why practice Qigong?

How do we make this shift from surviving to thriving?

What if I told you that there is a practice which studies show has the ability to lower stress and decrease anxiety? What if I told you there is a technology that improves immune function, improves sleep quality, lowers blood pressure, and reduces inflammation? A practice that in a recent peer-reviewed article appears to aid in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of respiratory infections, including COVID-19?

Too good to be true, right? That’s what I originally thought, too.

My background in public health says: show me the data. Is this evidence-based?

Dive deep into the stillness of your own being

Dive deep into the stillness of your own being

Practice kindness to the self if one gets caught in the waves of disharmony.  Detach from the swirling of fear/anxiety and dive deep to the inner stillness within and take a moment to breathe - just one conscious breath is all that is required to rest and reset. 

Let us respond mindfully from inner stability and not be caught in reaction to the news or to each other. In this age of connectivity, voices of wisdom, discernment and constructive criticism are necessary for a functioning, healthy society. Your voice, coming from a place of inner harmony, may be needed now more than ever.